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Off Canvas

Standard Off-Canvas

canvas positioned at left/start with class offcanvas-start accessible with link and button both. You can stop closing offcanvas on click of backdrop by using static backdrop (data-bs-backdrop="static") on offcanvas div attribute.

Link with href


Some text as placeholder. In real life you can have the elements you have chosen. Like, text, images, lists, etc.

Off-Canvas Positions

.offcanvas-start places offcanvas on the left of the viewport (shown above),
.offcanvas-end places offcanvas on the right of the viewport,
.offcanvas-top places offcanvas on the top of the viewport,
.offcanvas-bottomplaces offcanvas on the bottom of the viewport

canvas positioned at end/right with class offcanvas-end also with this demo body content remain accessible.

Offcanvas with body scrolling

Try scrolling the rest of the page to see this option in action.

canvas positioned at top with class offcanvas offcanvas-top.

Offcanvas top


canvas positioned at bottom with class offcanvas offcanvas-bottom.

Offcanvas Bottom
